Hei Luuppilainen! Oletko kiinnostunut konsulttitalossa työskentelemisestä? Yhteistyökumppanimme Nitor järjestää marraskuussa 17.11. excursion, jonka aihe on tämän teeman ympäriltä! Alla tarkempi kuvaus excursiosta Nitorilta. ilmoittaudu mukaan!
We at Nitor are happy to welcome you to our “Konsulttisimulaatio” excursion! So, what do we mean by Konsulttisimulaatio? As there are many consultancy companies that offer great opportunities, we’d like to simulate consultant work in more detail for you. We have created a few workshops, including code reviews, logical problem solving and complex customer situations.
As you probably know, we are a Digital Engineering Company and value sustainable digital development which keeps pace with time. We understand the toughness of the consultancy business and have given real thought to the solutions so that Nitoreans could live out their fulfilled careers as happy digital engineers. Nitor provides food and beverages, and of course, you have a chance to get to know our people located at our Tampere office. We will start with food service, continue with workshops and end our excursion with quality time together with Nitoreans. Covid19 guidelines for a safe event for all of us: - When you arrive at the Nitor Office, please take the Rapid Covid-test (result in 15 mins) provided by Nitor. The option for the test is wearing a face mask during the whole event. You are naturally also welcome to do both.
- Participation in the event is not possible in case you have any symptoms or recent suspected exposure to Covid19
We are looking forward to meeting you! Nitor www.nitor.com
Järjestäjän yhteystiedot: jesse.heinonen@luuppi.fi yritys@luuppi.fi TG: @jecce
HUOM. Sisäänkäynti ratinan MOWiin on Ratinkujalta Kuja-barin vierstä. Google maps auttaa. |